Event Details

Technology Forum - Connected City - 5G and Wi-Fi

Join us online to connect and co-create! The then Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, Cyberport, the Hong Kong Productivity Council and the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation are jointly organising a series of technology forums for industry players to share their innovative information technology (IT) solutions and success stories, and how such innovative solutions can help improve the quality of public services.

The coming forum, the fifth of its series, is themed “Connected City - 5G and Wi-Fi”. Expert speakers will present their innovative solutions and a wide range of services and applications of 5G and Wi-Fi to help government departments improve operational efficiency and enhance the delivery of public services.

31 August 2020 (Mon)

(Online platform ready at 13:45)

Online Forum + Networking

Language: Cantonese

Supplemented by presentation materials in Chinese and/or English

14:00 - 14:05

Welcoming Remarks

Dr Lawrence CHEUNG, Chief Executive Officer
APAS R&D Centre, Hong Kong Productivity Council

14:05 - 14:10

Opening Address (Chinese version only)

Mr Victor LAM, JP, Government Chief Information Officer
Office of the Government Chief Information Officer

14:10 - 14:30

Subsidy Scheme for Encouraging Early Deployment of 5G pdf_icon

Mr Sidney TSAN, Head
Market and Competition, Office of the Communications Authority

14:30 - 15:35

Presentation of IT Solutions - 5G Services and Applications

  1. Antwave Technology Limited pdf_icon
  2. APAS R&D Centre pdf_icon
  3. Comba Telecom Systems Limited pdf_icon
  4. Forsk Hong Kong Limited pdf_icon
  5. MAD Gaze Limited pdf_icon
  6. Rohde & Schwarz Hong Kong Limited pdf_icon

15:35 - 16:05

Online Networking

16:05 - 16:25

Building Wi-Fi Connected City pdf_icon

Mr Vincent WONG, Senior Project Manager
Office of the Government Chief Information Officer

16:25 - 17:30

Presentation of IT Solutions - Wi-Fi Services and Applications

  1. Altai Technologies Limited
  2. Cisco Systems(HK) Limited pdf_icon
  3. Geomeo Informatics Private Limited pdf_icon
  4. Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company pdf_icon
  5. Huawei International Co. Limited pdf_icon
  6. ViShare Technology Limited pdf_icon

17:30 - 18:00

Online Networking